GUESTS FOR 2013 published

Leaflets detailing Folk Club Guests for 2013 are available now.  Please collect some the next time you are at the club and distribute these to your friends.  Guests up to the end of May 2013 are:  Wed 9th Jan – Redhook Rapids, Wed 23rd Jan – Ian Davidson & Clarissa Bovill, Wed 6th Feb – Kieran Halpin, Wed 20th Feb – Luckenbooth, Wed 6th Mar – Maurice Dickson, Wed 20th Mar – Brian Peters, Wed 3rd Apr – Two Can Dan, Wed 17th Apr – Jed Grimes, Wed 1st May – Kent Duchaine, Wed 15th May – Barron Brady and Wed 28th May – My Sweet Patootie.

Looking ahead to the Summer, The 46th Marymass Folk Festival runs from Wed 21st – Sunday 25th August, 2013.