This being the 50th year of Irvine Folk Club, and Saffron Summerfield topping the bill at the Club on Wednesday 26th October, brings to mind the rich musical heritage of the Club. Saffron played regularly in Irvine in the ‘70s when The Eg was HQ for the Club and Marymass Folk Festival. Welcome back Saffron.
Those with memories of that time will remember the young woman from Northamptonshire as having a strong and clear voice who was also a skilful guitarist. She remains one of only a few female bottle-neck Blues guitarists. Saffron also does the unexpected: her rendition of The Beatles ‘Eleanor Rigby’ being in that category and she did it so very well. It will be on one of the nine albums she has released – perhaps on her first one ‘Salisbury Plain’ of fond memory.
Saffron has her own record label – Mother Earth Music – which she set up in the ‘70s. Her albums sell well in the USA and Japan where she has toured regularly and also Europe and New Zealand.
Having taken a six year break in the late ‘80s, Saffron was Musical Director for two Channel Four documentaries, maintained her talent as a songwriter, developed her passionate interest in conservation and run three London Marathons! She is now half-way through a UK tour which will take her into 2017 and happily, the Irvine Club is on her gig list.
So, as Saffron celebrates 40 years or thereabouts in the music business, it’s appropriate that she is back at the Irvine Club in its 50th year. Hear Saffron for the first or umpteenth time at Irvine Folk Club on Wednesday 26th October. The Club starts at 8pm.
Finally, news of the death on Saturday 15th October of Irvine Folk member Brian Brown was received with shock and sadness. Brian was a faithful Club member who loved the camaraderie as much as the music. The sympathy of the Club goes to Brian’s family and friends.
Brian’s funeral will take place in Abbey Church Kilwinning on Tuesday 1st November at 1pm thereafter to Holmsford Bridge Crematorium at 2pm.