Ian McCalman describes him as ‘A performer to be reckoned with’ and that’s a worthy recommendation to go along to Irvine Folk Club on Wednesday 19th December to hear Ian Bruce.
It’s a while since Ian has appeared solo at the Irvine Club. Recent times have seen him as part of a duo with Ian Walker and as part of the Auld Hats New Heids show. For anyone who hasn’t been to hear Ian Bruce, expect a big voice, superb acoustic guitar playing and a wide range of material. A well-known face on the Scottish folk scene, Ian is a much acclaimed singer, an accomplished songwriter and a performer who is always prepared to consider new collaborations. For example, a couple of years ago at Norway’s Skagen Festival he teamed up with a 51 strong Norwegian choir to sing The Lea-Rig and from that, a strong bond has developed.
Ian’s own songs include gems such as Child on the green and Too far from she. He was invited to be part of the 12 volume Complete Songs of Robert Burns with his renditions of Lassie Wi’ the Lintwhite Locks and Westlin’ Winds deservedly receiving many plaudits. The man also turns his hand to the inclusion of songs in the Pop idiom. In short, if it’s a good song he will include it – the strong vocals possessed by Ian make it possible.
The past couple of years have seen Ian on tour with Auld Hats New Heids and playing a key role in the hugely popular stage production Far, Far, From Ypres. In addition, he fits in solo tours of the UK and Europe. And, just in case he has time on his hands, he now has a Studio where he records new bands like Sair Banes.
The final night for 2018 at the Irvine Club on Wednesday 19th December with Ian Bruce will be a good way to close the Club year. Make sure you are in the audience at Vineburgh Community Centre in Quarry Road. The Club starts at 8pm and it’s BYOB.