
54th Marymass Folk Festival
25th-27th August 2023

 Tickets for the Marymass Folk Festival concerts are available this year in two formats, you can still purchase paper tickets through Joyce Hodge (contact details below) or you can purchase tickets online via the link below to Eventbrite. Once you have ordered your tickets you can either print the confirmation out or just show the confirmation on your phone at the entrance. 

To order tickets online

Click on this link to Eventbrite
and follow instructions on how to place an order.

To order tickets by post

Send a self-addressed envelope with payment (made out to Marymass Folk Festival) to: Marymass Folk Festival, c/o Joyce Hodge, 7 Machrie Place, KILWINNING, KA13 6RW or phone Joyce on 07798572926 to reserve tickets.